P&G Purpose

P&G Shelter Design

April 9, 2024

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At Purpose and Growth, we are passionate about the future. The future of the world, the future of the environment, and the future of the people who live in it. We are a not-for-profit organization based in Australia who strives to provide equitable and economical resources to communities in need during disaster situations. P&G produces sustainable paper tubes that can be used to build shelters and other buildings for communities when previous infrastructure has been damaged or is no longer safe to use. Our team has stepped up during the current pandemic by providing communities with the tools they need to expand hospital capacity, build mobile testing sites, and create Personal Protective Equipment. P&G also prides itself for hiring individuals who are underserved, primarily refugees and asylum seekers.

This summer, one of P&G’s interns who resides in Minnesota, has helped execute a shelter design to be used for increasing hospital capacity. The shelter is made of paper tubes, 3D printed joints, and a standard tarp to ensure protection from the elements. This intern and a friend of hers, used P&G’s shelter designs to set up the prototype in her backyard for the first time. These untrained participants remarked, candidly, “I am shocked at how quick and easy it was to build something that I know could be used for so many other purposes. A Lego set is more confusing to build than this shelter!” Building the shelter is simple but also economical as each shelter room ranges from $162-$210, which is almost $120 less than the UN’s standard HCR designs. 

The purpose of this shelter is to provide healthcare workers the space they need to safely take care of patients inside or outside hospitals. With an increase to the amount of COVID-19 patients in the U.S., these shelters can greatly improve the resources that our frontline workers have access to during the current pandemic. 

Our Intern, Maddy Morgen, has been working with P&G since the beginning of May to help build and test this shelter. Her goal is to help P&G connect with governments, hospitals, or organizations in the U.S. who would be willing to use these designs to expand hospital capacity and help provide resources that ensure safety to frontline-workers and patients. Maddy is an International relations & Global Affairs major at Eckerd College located in St.Petersburg, Florida. She is from Minnetonka, Minnesota and resides here during the summers with her family. 

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YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdYoE6e7uvzM-58HoGHUY_Q

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