Must complete a budget (template available at and an application available here to establish your ability to repay and the duration of the loan. Depending on the results, applicants may be asked to see a financial counselor prior to payment
Purpose of the loan: must enable work
Must be for one of the overlooked groups that we are working with (currently refugees and asylum seekers new to employment in Australia)
Must be willing to sign a loan agreement
Must be willing to set up automatic deposits
Must provide full name, address, and phone number
Amount: Max amount of $1000 without receiving strict scrutiny (which will require more time)
Interest Rate: 0%
Repayment term: case-by-case
Application: Budget, and application must be emailed to for review and approval. Upon approval a loan agreement will be sent.
Administrative notes
Note that this program is still under development and policies can be changed without notice.
This program has a dedicated fund, and all loans are made on a funds-available basis.